KBC - Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
KBC stands for Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Here you will find, what does KBC stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kenya Broadcasting Corporation? Kenya Broadcasting Corporation can be abbreviated as KBC What does KBC stand for? KBC stands for Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. What does Kenya Broadcasting Corporation mean?Kenya Broadcasting Corporation is an expansion of KBC
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Alternative definitions of KBC
- Birch Creek, Alaska USA
- Kentucky Baptist Creativity
- Knowledge Based Culture
- Korean Ballistics Corporation
- Killing Brain Cell
- KBC Advanced Technologies
- Khandakapala Buddhist Center
View 72 other definitions of KBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KCLS King County Library System
- KIAMMG KIA Motors Manufacturing Georgia
- KCMPD Kansas City Missouri Police Department
- KWCP Keller Williams Capital Properties
- KCKCC Kansas City Kansas Community College
- KES Kelly Educational Staffing
- KGHFT Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust
- KWN Keller Williams Nyc
- KBS Kent Building Supplies
- KITS Kingfisher IT Services
- KUH Kuopio University Hospital
- KDE Kentucky Department of Education
- KCC Kellogg Community College
- KBS Kenya Bureau of Standards
- K2BA K2 for Business Apps
- KCL Kier Construction Ltd.
- KCSD Kershaw County School District
- KRH Kalispell Regional Healthcare
- KBC The Ken Blanchard Companies
- KWER Keller Williams Elite Realty